Béranger Seguin

Since September 2023, I am employed as a postdoctoral researcher in the Arbeitsgruppe Computeralgebra und Zahlentheorie at the University of Paderborn (Germany). My work there is centered around arithmetic statistics, and more precisely around the asymptotic distribution of field extensions. Something I love about these questions is the diversity of the methods which we can use to study them (methods from algebraic number theory/class field theory, methods from analytic number theory, and methods from algebraic/Diophantine geometry). I am also interested in the description of absolute Galois groups of local fields and of their ramification filtration (as this leads to a parametrization of local extensions with a given discriminant), and for this reason I want to learn more about Galois representations, \(\varphi\)-modules, moduli spaces/deformation rings thereof, etc.
In July 2023, I obtained a PhD in mathematics supervised by Pierre Dèbes and Ariane Mézard. You can read the manuscript or see the slides for the defense. This work focuses around the geometry and arithmetic of connected components of Hurwitz spaces, moduli spaces of branched covers of the line whose rational points are related to the regular inverse Galois problem. The interactions between the combinatorial, topological, and arithmetic properties of these spaces are, in my eyes, as mysterious as they are fascinating.
I also like to secretly travel to other mathematical landscapes:
- non-commutative algebra, skew fields
- Grothendieck-Teichmüller theory, dessins d’enfants
- logic (especially model theory) and proof theory, formalization
I love music — especially jazz — a lot, and I’m always glad to discuss music or jam around with people.
Feb 26, 2025 | New preprint! This time we’re counting wildly ramified extensions of function fields. This was a quite long project, and we spent a lot of time of this. Hope you’ll enjoy reading it as much as we did working on it! :) |
Oct 20, 2024 | I wrote a short introduction to Abrashkin’s nilpotent Artin-Schreier theory. |
Oct 02, 2024 | I have taken some time to rewrite parts of my thesis that I was unhappy with (mostly due to my bad writing style at the time). My first preprint (from 2022) has been completely reworked and split into two parts ([part 1], [part 2]). Rewriting everything was a lot of work, especially since I’m less invested in these topics now, but I was pleased to see that I was able to simplify many proofs — though it was daunting to realize how much easier some overcomplicated arguments (which took months for my graduate self to find) could have been! |
Aug 05, 2024 | Phillipe Caldero a mis en ligne une vidéo dans laquelle il explique (brillamment) la preuve d’un résultat d’un de mes articles. Merci à lui ! |