wikis and the like
- The Stacks Project
- The nLab
- Kerodon – An online resource for homotopy-coherent mathematics
- The Automorphic Project – An open source textbook and reference work on automorphic representations
- The Clowder Project – An online resource for category theory and mathematics
books and resources
- Foundations of Relative Category Theory
- Puzzling through exact sequences (picture book)
- The Electronic Library of Mathematics
- Euclid’s Elements with Coloured Diagrams and Symbols
- Analysis Situs (FR)
- The TeXromancers
- Tim Hosgood’s translations
- Livres en accès libre (FR)
- Kedlaya’s notes on prismatic cohomology and class field theory,
- Milne’s notes on… many things
- Visual Algebra textbook
- Category theory: online lecture notes, etc.
- LibGen and Sci-Hub. Use Tor Browser to access restricted websites in your country
- Awesome books that are free: Cohomology of Number Fields (v2.3), The Rising Sea, Grimoire d’Algèbre Commutative
- Shelah’s Archive
- 21 proofs of \(V-E+F=2\)
number theory
- The L-Functions and Modular Forms Database
- Number fields, polynomials, Galois groups:
- Dessins d’enfants and Belyĭ maps:
- Inverse Galois problem for small simple groups (Zywina)
- manYPoints – Table of Curves with Many Points
- A database of databases (Number Theory Tables)
other databases
- Group theory:
- Algebra & Algebraic Geometry:
- π-Base: topological properties and (counter)examples
- The OEIS for Integer Sequences
- The Knot Atlas
- Optimal Packings
- House of Graphs
- SmallCategories
- The Digital Library of Mathematical Functions
- Catalogue of Mathematical Datasets
blogs and personal pages
- Terence Tao
- John Baez
- Jordan Ellenberg
- Persiflage
- Jon Sterling
- Why is this nontrivial? (FR)
- Cihan Posts Theorem (Twitter account)
- neverendingbooks (static version)
- Joel David Hamkins (also has a substack)
- LocalCharts
- n-Category Café
Cool Twitter thread about \(G\)-sets
Proof of the second-incompleteness theorem via the proof speed-up phenomenon by Joel David Hamkins (on Twitter)
A good Twitter thread about the absolute Galois group of ℂ(T) by David Madore, who also has these excellent blog posts:
- Le topos effectif
- Un joli problème paradoxal de théorie de l’information
- Nombres ordinaux : j’ai lu ce thread quand j’étais au lycée, ça m’a hanté de fascination
- and many more…
Join Mathstodon!
- 3Blue1Brown
- Mathologer, for example this proof of quadratic reciprocity
- Aleph 0, for example this video on class groups
- Peak Math
- Math-Life Balance
- Dr. V
- Quanta Magazine
- Numberphile, in particular Magic Square of Squares (a sweet introduction to arithmetic geometry by Anthony Várilly-Alvarado), Eating Curves for Breakfast (an introduction to algebraic curves by Isabel Vogt)
- Certainly not to everyone’s taste, but I liked Math Curator Zanachan’s series on class field theory, its history and reciprocity laws.
Great videos: Abel’s theorem, Regular Polyhedra, Counting Points on the E₈ lattice, Gareth Jones explains Dessins d’enfants
En français:
- El Jj
- Voyages au pays des maths
- Scientia Egregia, dont cette superbe vidéo sur Riemann-Roch et celle-ci sur les « distributions formelles »
- Thomaths
- Maths*
- Micmaths et en particulier sa vidéo sur le nœud de Conway
- Le Myriogon et ses bonus
Philippe Caldero, qui présente souvent des petites pépites avec le sourire.
Petite sélection personnelle:
- Une version vidéo d’un bout d’un de mes articles !
- Théorème de progression arithmétique de Dirichlet (version faible) (voir aussi ce commentaire de Poonen)
- Un scoop sur Cayley-Hamilton?
- Loi de réciprocité d’Artin [1] [2] [3] [4]
- Fermat pour \(p\) régulier : en hamac ou sans hamac
- Physique : Science étonnante, Passe-sciences
Talks I enjoyed watching:
- Conférence surprise (FR): A talk by E. Ghys about a funny problem in real algebraic geometry
- Grothendieck-T. theory by P. Lochak
- Homology of Hurwitz spaces by O. Randal-Williams
- BSD and Estimates for Class Groups of Number Fields by J. Tsimerman
Non-mathematical YouTube gems:
- Tom7 (who has many incredible videos)
formalization stuff
- XenaProject
- The 1Lab for cubical type theory
- TypeTopology
- Lean Zulip
- Dedukti
- The Four Color Theorem in Coq, The Independence of the Continuum Hypothesis in Lean, \(\pi_4(\mathbb{S}^3)\) in HoTT/Cubical Agda, Feit-Thompson in Coq, Liquid Tensor Experiment
- Fermat’s Last Theorem: n = 3 in Lean, n ∈ {3, 4} in Isabelle
- A fun rabbithole to fall into: Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3.
- Tie Knot Generator
- Coherence Diagrams for a Tetracategory
- The Map of the Universe (according to model theorists)
- Erdős problems by Thomas Bloom
conference lists
- Number Theory Conferences
- Kedlaya’s list of conferences in arithmetic geometry
- Noncommutative Algebraic Geometry
- TeXpresso: live rendering/incremental compilation for (La)TeX
- q.uiver: draw commutative diagrams easily
- IPE: make figures
- My own tex2unicode script
- TeXpaste
- Desmos, WolframAlpha, SageCell
- The Natural Number Game
- My own Seven Trees in One game
- Conway’s \(M_{13}\) puzzle (blog post) (arXiv)
- Taquin sur \(M_{24}\)
- Infinite Chess: (play the game), (mate in ω²), (talk by A. Tsevas about mate in ω²), (Evans-Hamkins)
- Infinite Hex (talk by I. Törmä), Infinite Wordle, Infinite Games Workshop
- Funny NP-hardness proofs: Mario, Candy Crush, Tetris, Wordle
- Pan-Galactic Division / Division by Four: as someone who spent some time being fascinated by the original division by three article, I feel weird about such a simple algorithm existing!
- Ian Ring’s Amazing Scale Finder
- Sevish’s Scale Workshop
- IMSLP, ComposHer, HenselPushers
- Fun music-theory channels on YouTube: 12tone, 8-bit music theory, David Bruce, Nahre Sol, Partoche (FR), Yogev Gabay, Addy D.
- The 1959 project, JazzDisco
- Free Foucault
- Language Science Press: awesome linguistic books in open-access!
Here is a link to my friend Raphaël Ruimy’s mathematical page, because Google apparently has trouble referencing it. Trying to help…
some articles about statistics of extensions of fields (personal selection)
- Over number fields:
- The abelian case: Mäki 1985, Wright 1989, Wood 2010
- Small degree: Cohn 1954 and Davenport-Heilbronn 1971 (cubic fields), Bhargava 2005, Bhargava 2010, Bhargava-Shankar-Wang 2015 (degrees 3-5), Bhargava-Shankar-Wang 2022 (degrees 6-94)
- All degrees: Schmidt 1995, Ellenberg-Venkatesh 2006, Couveignes 2020, Lemke Oliver-Thorne 2022
- Malle’s conjecture: Malle 2002, Malle 2004, Klüners 2005, Klüners-Malle 2006, Klüners 2006, Koymans-Pagano 2021, Alberts-Lemke Oliver-Wang-Wood 2025, Wang 2025
- Approach via specialization of extensions of function fields: Dèbes 2017, Motte 2023
- Stacky approaches: Ellenberg-Satriano-Zureick-Brown 2023, Darda-Yasuda 2023, Darda-Yasuda 2024, Loughran-Santens 2024
- Over global function fields:
- Tame case, abelian groups: Wright 1989
- Tame case, approach via Hurwitz spaces: Ellenberg-Venkatesh-Westerland 2016, Ellenberg-Venkatesh-Westerland 2012 (retracted), Ellenberg-Tran-Westerland
- Wild case, abelian p-groups: Lagemann 2012, Lagemann 2015, Klüners-Müller 2020, Potthast 2024, Gundlach 2024
- Wild case, non-abelian p-groups: …